4/02 Evan and his very first FO! (Finished Object, in KnitList speak)
9 Years old. His first ever real knitting (aka non-spool
knitting done on straight needles), that started out about 2 YEARS ago (about) as a
practice swatch, and every now and then he'd pick it up and do a row.
Now, he did a few more rows, and then asked
how to finish it off, so Mom showed him how to
cast off, and he picked up on it so fast that it was done and off
his needles in no time. He then took his rectangle and folded it half,
and sewed up two sides, then stuffed it with cotton
balls, and finished sewing it closed all by himself!
He turned it into a pillow for a stuffed kitty of
his. Mom's so proud she could burst! This is an FO that will always be
treasured! At least by his mom!